The team at Gibraltar Nursing Home, Monmouth, embarked on a heartfelt journey to support the Alzheimer’s Society by organising a sponsored walk. The group, comprising of dedicated team members and relatives, walked a remarkable 8.4 miles, showcasing their commitment to making a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Bridget Ioannides, a House Leader at Gibraltar gave a moving and motivating speech at the start of their journey “Somewhere in the world a person gets diagnosed with a dementia every 3 seconds” snapping her fingers every 3 seconds to emphasise the gravity of the issue they were fighting for. “Not only that but there are around 900,000 people in the UK living with a dementia.”

With unwavering determination and community support, the team set on foot, starting at Monmouth Rowing Club, down to the Biblin’s swing bridge and looping back up to Monmouth. Wearing their blue Alzheimer’s Society t-shirts, they even received £55 in donations from passers-by.

Raising £1000 for Alzheimer's Society

The event, filled with camaraderie and determination, brought everyone together, highlighting the nursing home’s commitment to creating a sense of community and giving back. The participants showed incredible resilience and spirit as they completed the 8.4-mile walk, demonstrating the power of unity in the face of a common cause.

They raised an impressive £792.50 for the sponsored walk, and Gibraltar rounded the total up to £1000. These funds will be directed towards vital research, support programs, and resources provided by the Alzheimer’s Society. The team express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported their fundraising efforts and encourages others to continue supporting this important cause and create a positive impact in the lives of those living with a dementia.

Gibraltar Nursing Home is based in the town of Monmouth, South Wales. It’s approach to life recognises the values, beliefs and identity of each person. Each person that may need support is unique and by understanding one’s life history, one’s journey in life, by striving to be a true continuation of home, the team at Gibraltar Nursing Home create a place where everyone feels safe and never alone.